Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Eggs!

Yesterday we went over to James and Heather's so we could color some eggs with the boys. It was a learning experience for me but we had fun even though there were a few messes. Jessalyn didn't participate because she wanted to go play outside the whole time. So she just watched. Which was probably a better idea anyway. Next year I'm sure she will get to enjoy coloring eggs more.
After we colored eggs we went out to our favorite Restaurant Oklahoma Joe's then got dessert at our other favorite place, Sheridan's. Yummy! The weather was so beautiful so the boys played some football in the front yard.
Jess absolutely loves to be outside. If she could spend her entire day outside I'm sure she would. She was having lots of fun playing in the dirty with her buddy Roman. He was being silly and kept wanting me to take pictures of him so he could look at them after.
Even though Jess is very girly she knows how to get messy in the dirt like her cousins. She was having so much fun going up and down on the steps that she tore a big whole in the butt of her tights. By the time we left her diaper was sagging completely out of the back of her tights. Haha!

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