Saturday, November 26, 2011

Messy Face, Thanksgiving and a Birthday!

Here are a few fun pictures from this past week. Last Saturday we went to a baby shower for our friend Karrie. She is having a baby girl and Jessalyn was very happy once I handed her this ice cream cone cupcake. I couldn't get it back because she was too busy stuffing her face with it.

She has been very independent lately and only likes to feed herself. I was eating a yogurt and left a little bit in the container and left it in her reach on accident. She was very excited about what she found so I decided to give it to her in her high chair so she could feed it to herself. When she was done this is what she looked like. lol! I think she was proud of it because she was showing it off. While I was cooking dinner, she was playing with the pots and pans. Of course. Isn't that like a required baby thing that a baby must do at some point?

She started climbing on the shelf in the cupboard...

And she made it! But a few seconds later she fell backwards and good thing I was there because I caught her just in time. She was pretty scared after that and was done with the pots and pans.

Thanksgiving was great! We went over to James and Heathers and had such delicious food. Heather made the best turkey ever. It just melted in your mouth. Yum!

Jessalyn loves her cousin Logan. She was watching him play Angry Birds.
And then she enjoyed a delicious cookie made by her Aunt Heather.

The day after Thanksgiving was Caleb's sixth birthday. Jordan and I went out shopping to see if we could find some black Friday deals. We go a later start than most at 8 am but we did get a few good deals.

After shopping we went over to James and Heather's for pizza and cake for Caleb's birthday. Jessalyn has so much fun whenever we go over there.

The boys have lots of fun toys to play with and they are always fun to follow and watch what they're doing. Logan is so good with her. He's very helpful and he plays really well with her. She even kept trying to give him kisses! Isn't that so cute!

The kids had fun playing with Caleb's new birthday presents.

And Jessalyn thought she was pretty awesome eating cake with the big kids all by herself while mommy and daddy sat on the couch. Haha! She was chatting away with the boys and enjoyed the cake very much.

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