Wednesday, November 9, 2011

13 months- Puppies and Books

This time last year, I had a one month old. Looking back, that first month was such a blur. I barely remember how tiny she was. My memories are so blurry because I was so delirious and sleep deprived.
I must say I am completely loving this age right now. This girl of ours is so much fun. She's been talking our heads off lately. She looks at you and mumbles a bunch of baby babble and we usually respond like we knew exactly what she's talking about. And she usually has such a serious look on her face.
She gets really excited when she is eating something good that we are eating. She usually gets so happy that she has to give both of kisses. It's almost like the kiss is saying "Thank you for this delicious food." lol.
I think her favorites things right now are puppies and books. Especially her puppy. She loves getting kisses from her puppy. She will hold her face close to puppy and go "mmm" waiting for her to lick her face. It's pretty darn cute! I have to stop Penny before she tries to lick her face off because Jessalyn might let her.
She has a nice collection of books but she has a few of her favorites. But the best kind of book is one about puppies! She loves the one that she's reading in the first pictures at the top. She loves to give all the puppies kisses.
Along with all the fun stuff there is not so fun stuff. Like the temper this little girl has. Sometimes it's hard to say no to her because of the tantrum she will throw if she doesn't get what she wants. I know she knows what no means but she really loves to test us. Most of the time when we say no she will laugh and try whatever she is doing again. She usually has a suspicious look on her face because she knows she shouldn't be doing it. Sometimes it's hard to take her seriously because of how overly dramatic she can get. It actually just makes us laugh. But we love this baby girl to pieces.

I forgot to post this last month but these pictures were exactly a year from each other. She was beautiful from day one and just keeps getting more and more beautiful!

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