Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mall Fun

On Jordan's day off from school we wanted to get out and do something and get out of the heat. We decided to do our usual and walk around the mall.

Jessalyn was pretty excited because she got to get on the little rides.

And we found her some new awesome kicks! Aren't they adorbs. She thinks so.

And she made some friends at the little play area. This little girl wanted to tell everyone who she was and who she was with.

Daddy helped her go down the slide.

She was having a blast pulling up on everything and crawling all over the place.

And she took a ride in this pretty sweet car just her size!

She found another car she might like better. I think she is following in her mommy's footsteps and is going for the bigger vehicles.

This little girls name is Aspen and she gave Jessalyn a bunch of kisses. I think they became best friends. She was a wild little girl. Jessalyn mostly just stared at her craziness.

We had a great day at the mall!

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