Sunday, August 17, 2014

Jessalyn Lately

Jessalyn will be four in October! I can't even believe it! It's more like 4 going on 14. I don't know where she comes up with half the stuff she says or does but she definitely has lots of sass.
She is still the girliest little girl you will ever meet. She won't wear anything but skirts and dresses so I've completely given up on buying anything else. She loves anything and everything princess related. She can't really choose who her favorite princess is because she loves them all so much. She loves to dress up like them in her dress up dresses and her favorite shoes ever in the whole world are her "cin-lella" shoes! They're looking a bit dingy since she has worn them so much in the last 7 months. 
Her favorite tv shows are Sofia the first, Caillou, Peppa Pig, The fresh beat band, and Doc Mcstuffins. She's pretty picky about what she watches. She loves all disney movies and has a nice Big collection of Barbie movies. One thing I'm proud of that she likes to watch is full house! It's one of my favorite shows ever and was happy to find out she liked it after I introduced it to her.
She loves to go to stores. Pretty much every day she's asks if we can go to a store. It really doesn't matter what store it is. Hyvee, target, walmart, the dollar tree, costco.... She loves to go. She got that from her mother. Haha. We don't go to stores a whole lot but when we so she never wants to go home and keeps asking to go to another store. Her favorite store has to be target. She loves looking at all the dolls and barbies. She even lets me look at my stuff and says "mommy you can look at your clothes."
Her all time favorite store of all time is the mall. It's like one big store filled with lots of stores. And two of the best ones ever. The American girl store and disney store. She calls the mall the "dolly mall".

Her favorite foods are pizza, pasta and rice. She also loves pretty much any fruit. Watermelon is probably her favorite followed my strawberries and oranges and bananas. Cheese sticks are her favorite snack. She doesn't like any vegetables. As much as we try she just doesn't like them. Maybe she will one day. She's not a huge ice cream fan. She has to be in the mood for it and it has to be "white" vanilla ice cream in a cone. But she will never pass up a "peek-able" aka Popsicle. She loves Popsicles! She doesn't really care for cake either. She does like cookies but they have to be a certain kind. She loves Oreos but only the middle. And one thing she shares her love with mommy is chips. We both love all and any kind of chips. Her most favorite being Doritos aka "the red chips". One thing she shares with her daddy is her love of drinks. Every once in a while we will treat her to a kid size "watermelon pop" from "somic". She loves pop anytime we actually let her drink it. Which isn't too often since we try not to keep it in the house since she would always ask for it. 

She loves to be crafty like mommy. The other day we got some scrapbook paper and stickers and her first pair of scissors. We had a good time putting together a scrapbook. I helped by cutting out pictures from her American girl catalog and she glued them and decorated them with princess stickers. She also loves to color.

She is such a good big sisters and loves her baby brother so much. Sometimes she doesn't know exactly how to be gentle and Jayven can get annoyed easily but they really do get along great. She loves to snuggle him because "he's so cute". She gives him kisses and loves to help him even though sometimes she's a little too helpful. She loves to play with him and pretend he's her little baby. I love listening to her talk to him. She talks to him exactly the same way I do and says the things I've said before in a really sweet voice. Sometimes she can get annoyed with him when she wants to play with her toys and he wants to take them away. All in all she loves her baby brother to pieces!

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