Thursday, June 23, 2011

Curious Jessalyn

Jessalyn has become very curious and nosey lately. She loves looking out the window and hitting it with her little hands as she yells. She can find the tiniest possible thing on the floor even after I vacuumed.
She loves going to this drawer opens and closes it then takes out all of her bibs.

Looks like we'll have to be baby proofing all the doors and drawers! As I'm typing this she is in the laundry room right next to me playing with the dryer door. Haha.

She likes to hang out in the kitchen with us when we're cooking dinner. Today she wanted to help me do the dishes. I guess she REALLY wanted to help because she pulled herself up for the FIRST TIME!!! I got so excited and told Jordan to run and get the camera. She has been attempting for a little while but would only get on her knees.

She stood there for quite some time and was very excited about it. I really hope this isn't any indication that she will be walking any time soon. I want her to hold off on that for as long as possible. Crawling is enough for right now. haha.

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