Thursday, March 10, 2011

5 months old!


I didn't get around to blogging about it yesterday because I got a lovely infection from breastfeeding. Oh joy! I woke up at 5 am feeling extremely nauseous and dizzy and I was shaking really bad. I couldn't figure out what it was until my sister in law said my symptoms sound like I have mastitis. And sure enough when I called my dr. and told the nurse my symptoms that's what it was. I started some antibiotics so I should be better soon. Luckily it hasn't effected Jessalyn at all. I'm still able to nurse as usual and she is still eating as usual. So we both spent the day in bed yesterday. Jordan went to his class then took care of us the rest of the day. We are so lucky to have him!

That's how we spent Jessalyn turning five months. Not very exciting. And the only picture I got of her was right before we were going to bed (above) She was cranky and ready to go to sleep. Daddy got a smile at of her for a moment then she went back to being cranky right after.

I can't believe it has been five months already!!! She just keeps turning into the cutest little baby ever everyday. The other night we were trying to go to sleep but instead she wanted to stay awake and 'talk'. So we thought maybe if we ignore her she will eventually fall asleep. Well she spent about ten minutes talking to herself making the funniest noises we have ever heard from her. It was very hard to ignore her and not crack up. We were trying to laugh as quietly as possible. Eventually she 'talked' herself to sleep. let's see what five months will bring us. At the rate she is going, maybe crawling? We'll see.

This picture was taken today. These two are best friends in the making. Jessalyn gets so excited when she sees her puppy and Penny thinks she is the cutest thing ever.

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