Sunday, January 8, 2012

Playtime with Jessalyn!

This girl is taking after mommy and LOVES chapstick and lipgloss and lipstick already! I taught her how to put it on her lips because she always watches me put mine on. Daddy even got her own chapstick for Christmas in her stocking. lol.
She thinks it's hilarious when I wear my shower cap when I take a shower. She thought she was pretty funny when I put it on her. Jordan and I were cracking up pretty hard when she walked around the corner to show daddy.
She put Mickey down for a nap and snuggled with him.
And playtime wouldn't be complete with out some quality time with puppy. These girls really are best friends. She can't wait to get home and see puppy whenever we are out.
She loves her playtime. Sometimes it's hard to get her to bed. After we clean up all her toys and have a bath she will walk in the living room and start taking out toys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You four are so beautiful - love you, G&G