Friday, September 2, 2011

Baby Dolls

I always like to walk down the toy aisle whenever we are at Walmart or Target. I use Jessalyn as an excuse when really I want to see what new dolls and barbies they have come out with. Haha!I have been obsessing over these baby Disney Princesses lately and have been thinking about getting one for her birthday. I found these little Twinsies that come with two little princesses together. I held up the box to show Jessalyn and she let out an excited squeal, reached for the babies and kept saying "Bebe, Bebe!" over and over again. So of course I had to get them for her. Oh man am I in trouble when she gets older and can really tell me which toys she wants! Haha. I think I had just as much fun as her taking them out of the box and playing with them. We played for about ten minutes with her handing me Belle then handing me Ariel. I would hand them back she would play with them then hand them back to me. I would give one of them a kiss then hand it to her and she had her mouth open ready for a kiss for her new baby. So precious!

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