Monday, July 12, 2010

Penny's New Best Friend

Meet Donkey Kong!
She got this from her dad and we can't figure it out but she hasn't tore him to shreds beyond recognition and she has had him for months already. That is unheard of when it comes to her toys. She usually chews a hole into them within an hour and rips out the stuffing a few seconds later. This one she has chewed a few holes into him and almost started taking out some stuffing but we tell her no right away then she stops.

She loves to carry him around but he is half her size and kinda heavy so sometimes when she jumps on the bed she doesn't quite make it the first try. And of course she loves to enjoy one of her favorite past times with him...gazing out the window!

Being the snuggler she is, she loves to snuggle with him every once in a while.

One of her newest favorite things to do with him is to pass out while playing. She somehow ends up like this and falls asleep. We think he must be very comforting or something. lol.

It cracks us up everytime. She has been doing it about every evening now after throwing him around and swinging him by his tie. What a silly pup we have!

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