We've been enjoying the summer time at the pool. We have so many great pools around us and have also been to James and Heathers pools a few times.
Jayven has been loving the water. He likes to just sit in it and splash around.
And Jessalyn's favorite thing to do at the pool is to jump in to daddy when he is with us. She also love the puppy slide and the fishy slide.
Jayven borrowed Krew's crab floaty toy when grandma and grandpa were in town and had a blast in it.
Here's the fishy slide! At first she was a little scared of it because it looks like a whale but she warmed up to it pretty fast.
Jayven went down with my help but wasn't sure how he felt about it.
Jess spent the past two weeks taking swimming lessons at the "fishy pool". Today was her last day and she had to take her baby so she could watch.
She was the mischievous one in her class of 3 other little ones. Jayven and I sat back and watched and I don't know how many times I would hear her tala her call Jessalyn's name. She looked like she might have been the youngest one in her class. Even though she has a mind of her own she still gets the job done and learned some useful things.
Usually Jayven would sit in the grass with me to watch sister but he decided he wanted to sleep through it on the last day.
This has been my view the past 2 weeks. And you can spot Jess in the water. She's the one farthest away from everyone doing her own thing. Haha.
And on the last day they took everyone to the big slides. I was hoping to catch Jess on her way down but she chickened out. I figured she might have and I kept trying to wave at her to come down. Instead one of the lifeguards held her the whole time while all the other kids went down. Maybe next time.