Thursday, May 19, 2011

Catching Up...

So it's been about a month since I've updated. We didn't have the Internet for a while so I wasn't able to get on here and post anything. And we have also moved into our new place so that has been a fun task unpacking and putting every away. Excuses, excuses...I know. So here is what has been going on the past month.

Jessalyn has turned 7 months old and she is as fun as ever. We got her her first sippy cup and she is doing very good with it. We got a surprise visit from Jordan's mom and dad on Easter weekend. It was a great surprise and we had extra help moving. That was the same weekend we moved as well. We are loving our new place so much more! We love the extra room and closet space we have. We are pretty much all the way settled in. We just have all those last little things where you aren't quite sure where to put them.

Jessalyn is as goofy as ever. This is one of her many silly facial expressions she does. She loves to give this one to daddy a lot and you know she likes you when she gives you her squishy face. She started saying "mama ma" a lot. Mostly when she is crying. Haha. I'm sure she doesn't actually know what she is saying. And in the past few days she has been going crazy saying "da da da". Jordan is making sure she knows that's who he is. He will say "that's me!" When she starts saying it. She talked herself to sleep saying "da da" last night.
Her favorite things at the moment are cell phones, tv remotes, cardboard that belongs to packaging of some sort and any tag that is attached to blankets or her toys. Haha. Whenever we go grocery shopping we'll hand her something to keep her occupied. Most of the time it has cardboard packaging on it and we'll have to take it away before she sucks on it till it's soggy. And that is always followed by screams and we realize we shouldn't have given it to her in the first place. But it keeps her so happy for about ten minutes. lol! As far as tags go she spots it out on her toys and blankets and immediately grabs for it and sucks on it until it is completely soaked with her slobber. It's pretty random but oh so funny and cute!

We had a few hot days the beginning of the month. James and Heather had a BBQ at their house on one of the nice days. We enjoyed sitting outside in the grass watching all the other kids and the dogs play. She was grabbing the grass wondering what it was. Growing up in Arizona I had no idea what grass was. Haha. She'll be surrounded by it. The past few weeks have been a little chilly. We went from 80's to the low 60's over night. It has been chilly enough a few days to wear a jacket. I'm actually enjoying it. Usually I'm sweating my butt off in May so this 60 and 70 degree weather is a great change. It definitely doesn't feel like May to me so I'm kind of confused what time of year it is.

We had James and Heather and the boys over at our house for dinner. She just loves Logan and he is always so good with her. Her talks to her and plays peek a boo with her. He always says how cute she is and always tries to narrate what is going on through her mind. Too cute! Roman was being a nice loving cousin and we didn't have to ask him twice to give her a kiss. They are all so cute together!

We discovered that she loves wearing hats. She doesn't try to take them off when we put them on. She just keeps it on and smiles. And look at that face. It's such a perfect face for little baby hats! We got her a couple hats for the pool and we came across this hat at Old Navy. I totally would have bought it if it wasn't so expensive.

She is right on the verge of two things right now. her little bottom teeth are right about to cut through. I keep checking everyday and they keep getting closer and closer. It hasn't been a whole lot of fun though. She definitely has her fussy teething moments. And the other thing she is on the verge on is crawling. She can get on all fours and rock back and forth but she just wont move forward. She is very good at scooting backward and to the side though. I think she knows how to do it. She is just being stubborn. I keep putting everything she could really want in front of her but just out of her reach. But I guess it's just not enough incentive yet. She'll eventually get frustrated and start crying until I pick her up.

And she is really loving her toes right now. They are so delicious I could imagine. Look at all those rolls! It's not the easiest thing getting that little foot up there. Haha.

At the moment, Jessalyn and I are starting to get over a cold. We both have runny noses and little coughs. She seems to be doing better than me now. She is just a little fussy and wants to snuggle with mommy or daddy more than usual. But that's fine with us!

That's it for now. I have a few more things but I have pictures that are currently in my cell phone that I want to post. So I will just wait until the next post.

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