Saturday, January 1, 2011

Jessalyn at 12 Weeks

Jessalyn and I had a little mini photo shoot last night while daddy was at the movies with Uncle James and her cousins. Today she is 12 weeks old. I have no idea where the time is going. We keep telling her to slow down! I feel like every day she changes. She gets more and more beautiful each day. (Click on the pictures to see a larger view)
She smiles so much more now. My favorite is when she wakes up in the morning. I say "Good morning! I love you!" And she looks at me with this wide smile and tilts her head and moves her little arms so cute. It melts my heart every time. She still hasn't pushed out a giggle yet. She's trying so hard. It comes out more like a cough. I can't wait to hear her little baby giggles. She has been doing lots of baby talk. We have little conversations and she can get pretty vocal.

I knew I was going to be a protective mommy and not want anything to hurt my precious little baby. It's the worst feeling trying to comfort your baby from hurting when you're the one who hurt her. I was trying to cut her tiny little nails and when she moved her little finger really fast I cut a piece of skin. She immediately started screaming as her finger was bleeding. I can't even explain how bad I felt about it. I ran to the sink and rinsed her finger off then ran into the bedroom where Jordan was sleeping. I woke him up in tears telling him I cut her finger. He was half asleep and told me to get a band aid. I was freaking out and told him to look at it. I was thinking it was worse than it was. I was sure we needed to go to the ER for this tiny little cut. He tried to calm me down and took her from my arms and put a huge band aid on her tiny finger. There I am crying telling her I'm so sorry and she sitting on daddy's lap laughing at me. lol. She was totally fine. I was the one crying and she was the one smiling. I felt like the worst mother all day long. Her finger is just fine now with a tiny scab on the tip. I apologized to her about a billion times that day. Haha.
We were so blessed in 2010. It was such an eventful year. From getting pregnant in January and moving to Kansas in April then the birth of our daughter in October. It has been the most exciting and life changing year in our lives together so far. We are so anxious to see what challenges and excitement 2011 has to bring!

1 comment:

Pretty in Pink and Camo said...

LOVE the photos!!! And, I teared up reading your story about the cut. I would have done the exact same thing.