Friday, September 10, 2010

The 10th!

So today is exactly one month from my due date! Wow! I feel like we would never make it this far. But there are still 4 more weeks. I think these are going to be the longest 4 weeks of my life. And who knows if she decides to come a little earlier or decides to she is too comfy and wants to stay a little longer.
I keep thinking that we are almost ready and that we have almost everything we need then another thing pops up. I have been slowly working on her nursery and everything is pretty much done. It just needs all the little finishing touches.
I have actually been feeling pretty good. My feet haven't been hurting quite as bad since I'm not working as much anymore and try to stay off of them as much as I can through out the day. I have been swelling a little bit. My little feet and hands are looking a little chubby these days. Just like the cartoon shows up poor bladder feels like it's the size of penny. lol. Which makes for very sleepless uncomfortable nights. Baby J has been a very active little one lately. I'm not exactly sure what she is doing in there but I think she's either having a lot of fun or trying to get comfortable because she is running out of room! My next dr. appointment is on Thursday and then I'm on one week appointments.
Well, here's to the last 4 weeks! October here we come!

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