Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Since we first started dating we always thought every month was such a big deal. We would
give a card or a little something for the occasion. We started this tradition out on our first month and have kept it going ever since. Now on the 14th of every month we make it a point to do something special. It's just a little reminder each month of how much we love each other and how special every moment is. Today is our 2 years and 6 monthiversary. Jordan got me these beautiful different colored roses and we each got a card. The card is pretty much a tradition too. We can practically make a book out of them. They are something to look back on and see what moment we were in at that time of our life. We plan on continuing this until 387483 monthiversary. lol.

This is a funny card I got for Jordan. The dog kinda looks like Penny. lol.

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