Sunday, October 9, 2011

One Year Ago Today...

I went into labor at about 1 am. I was in labor for about 15 hours and pushed for about three hours. I found out that there really is such a thing as love at first sight. I fell in love the moment I laid eyes on our little miracle.
Everyone who has kids tell you all the time how fast they grow up. I believed them but I didn't realize how fast it really happened until her first year was done and gone.

It's crazy how much her looks change in a matter of weeks. And it's crazy how fast she can go from just laying around and not rolling over to being a super speedy crawler and climbing up on everything. Jordan and I always ask Jessalyn if she got prettier over night because we feel like everyday she just got cuter and cuter.

*Jessalyn at 12 months is talking up a storm. She has long conversations and she is pretty sure she knows what she is talking about in her baby language. New words she says now is "Yeah" and "Wow" and sometimes it sounds like she is saying "This".
*She makes the silliest face ever when you touch her nose and say "Peek a boo!" or when she hears a loud noise or you do something silly. The face she makes is the third picture above. It makes me laugh every time! haha!

*She isn't walking yet but that is just fine by me. She can stand by herself with no support but she hasn't taken any steps yet.

*She really loves baby dolls. She gets so excited when she sees them and now she loves to kiss them. She even makes the "muah" noise when she gives kisses.

*She is still nursing so that means I made it to my second breastfeeding goal. One year! But it doesn't seem like either one of us plan on quitting anytime soon.

*She knows the sound that Penny's leash makes and crawls to the door super fast because now she thinks she needs to go take "Puppy" out to potty too.

I went a little picture crazy as always so enjoy!

Happy Birthday, Jessalyn!

1 comment:

Lisa @ Tales of a Young Housewife said...

So adorable!! Happy birthday to your little one! I got those "skinny jeans" as a gift (They got them at Nordstrom) Kinda expensive for a baby but at Carter's I saw some jeggings that are pretty cute!