Monday, October 17, 2011


It has been three months since my dad passed away. Every single night since that day I have had dreams about him. I don't always remember what my dream was about or what he was doing in my dream but I do know that he is always there. Sometimes he is just hanging out in the background and other times I have dreams that he is still alive and I wake up excited but realize it was just a dream. But the interesting thing is that dreaming about him is very comforting to me. I almost feel like he is living in my dreams. Like it's his way of letting me know that he is okay and that he is watching over me.

He is always in my thoughts on a daily basis. Sometimes I forget that he isn't here anymore. I guess it still hasn't hit. I don't know how long it will take for it to hit me or if it ever will. A few times I got excited about something and wanted to tell him about it but forgot that I can't just pick up the phone and call him. But I feel his spirit around me all the time so he probably already knows.

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