Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Old Wives Tales

I don't believe in old wives tales considering a lot of them were wrong with Jess. According to them she should have been a boy. Haha. But I still think they are fun even though there isn't any truth to them. Here are what the old wives tales are saying about baby #2's gender so far.

Old Wives' Tale #1: Carrying low it's a boy, carrying high it's a girl.

I think I'm carrying pretty much the same as last time. I'm just a little rounder this time than last. So I guess you can say girl for this one?

Old Wives' Tale #2: Heart rate. Under 140 it's a boy, over 140 it's a girl.

At my last appointment the heart rate was over 140.

Old Wives' Tale #3: Skin and hair. Both looking good? It's a boy. Broken out and dealing with lifeless, dull hair? Girl, because apparently they "steal your beauty."

This one is funny because last time with Jess I had no skin or hair problems. I actually 'felt' pretty the whole pregnancy. So that wasn't true for my first pregnancy. This time my skin isn't at it's best. My hair feels fine. But overall I haven't been feeling all that pretty lately. So I guess this one can go either way.

Old Wives' Tale #4: Chinese Gender Chart. Not necessarily an "Old Wives' Tale"

This one says girl.

Old Wives' Tale #5: Morning sickness. None, it's a boy. Sick, it's a girl.

I was nauseous 24-7 my whole first trimester. Which was completely opposite from last time. I wasn't sick at all. So this one can go either way.

Old Wives Tale #6: Craving sweets? Decorate that nursery in pink. Demanding sour pickles? Spend more time brainstorming boy names.

Last time I craved mostly sweet stuff. This time so far I mostly want salty and sour food. So this one would be boy.

Old Wives Tale #49: Headaches. If you are having headaches, you might be carrying a boy.

I've had head aches all the time! I don't remember having headaches this much last time.

And what is my motherly instinct gut feeling saying? This pregnancy has been completely different from last time. So based off of that, I would be surprised if this baby isn't a boy. But we have to wait and see! And I'm so impatient. I want to know who this little jelly bean is!

1 comment:

whitney said...

gotta love old wives tales :)

they're always pretty much wrong for me too.