Tuesday, November 27, 2012


"Am I a push-over? A weak mom who needs her son more than he needs her? Not at all. Am I letting my toddler run my life? No way. Am I spoiling him? There’s no evidence of that! Do I enjoy knowing that mothers who nurse longer have lower rates of breast, uterine, ovarian cancer and osteoporosis? Sure. Do I enjoy knowing that breastmilk contains antibiotic, anti-allergy, and anti-obesity properties? Yes. Is this why I do it? No. Those are neat facts, but the real reason we nurse this way, now, all night, all day, anywhere and anyhow, is because it’s not broken, so there is nothing to fix. "

I just read an essay written by a famous mother who nursed both of her sons till they were 2 1/2. This was a paragraph that I really loved and could completely relate to. Everyone has their own opinions about when they feel the time is up for breastfeeding their babies.
Before Jessalyn was born I knew I wanted to do everything in my power to nurse her. I knew I would take it one day at a time . It came so easy for the two of us from the moment she was born so we made all of our goals. 6 months, 1 year, 18 months and I kept saying when she turns two, that's it! Well here we are at almost 26 months and she doesn't show any sign of slowing down. Although I don't see anything wrong with letting her go as long as she wants but for personal reasons of my own we have started the actual weaning process.
Whenever we are out for most of the day she doesn't even think about asking for it. It's whenever we are home and she just wants to snuggle with mommy. That's when she starts tugging at my shirt saying "um um". But now I haven't been giving in quite as easily. Which appears to be the worst thing in the whole entire world to Jess when I say no! After throwing a for a few minutes then gets over it and goes on her merry way. Weaning her from nursing just shows me that my little baby isn't exactly a little baby anymore. It's been tough so far but I know she will be fine. And so will I.

1 comment:

whitney said...

Good luck, sweetie! It'll be rough but she'll be ok :) I'm impressed that you've done it for so long. Way to go!